Blog Post #7

Previously in class we viewed the film Born Again: Life in a Fundamentalist Baptist Church located in central Massachusetts. The film presented different perspectives of families lifestyle in the church community. The pastor discusses his early struggle with his wife and the elements that tested their relationship which triggered self reflection within themselves and their relationship with God. This allowed them to be born again with a now stable and fulfilling relationship. However, this had a chain reaction onto other families relationships and the pastors brothers relationship with his wife and how multiples couples need to be reborn again because that will fit all their problems in their relationships.

I found this church highly intriguing due to its laid back atmosphere and certain points in time to freely speak during the service. Furthermore, the way in which individuals perceived themselves prior to being born again is a perspective I have never heard. They would describe themselves as stubborn, self centered, bitter, etc., and after being born again they have to constantly remind themselves and work at not falling into the negative mindset that these members of the church had been prior to being reborn. From a sociological perspective there is a consistent pattern that the wife made sacrifices to satisfy their husband than found it within themselves that they are worth more than what they are getting out of their relationship. When the wife becomes absent the husband realizes that they have lost something great and are humbled by this experience. This is a common factor that is being portrayed in todays society and is implemented even more due to the recent Women’s movements to be able to help women recognize their worth and realize their full value.

One thought on “Blog Post #7

  1. The Women Right’s movement is an interesting connection to mention as I was also thinking about the social implications of the wife and husband in regards to gender norms and preconceived societal notions. I think it does give us a glimpse and understanding of how the treatment of women has changed over time.

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