Some of the U.S.’s most important Catholic leaders are condemning Trump’s travel ban

Although Trump won the majority of Catholic votes, he is facing strong opposition from Catholic leaders around the country who are condemning his executive order against refugees. Many Catholic leaders are opposed to Trump’s actions because for many it directly goes against what the Bible teaches about helping those in need and welcoming others rather than turning them away. Many leaders also made statements reminding the public that there was once a time where Catholics faced discrimination and hostility because of their religion. As a result, the Catholic Church has had a long history of helping refugees settle in the United States. Eighty three Catholic dioceses out of 196 in the country are involved in resettling refugees in some way.

Pope Francis has even made a statement in which he says “It’s hypocrisy to call yourself a Christian and chase away a refugee or someone seeking help, someone who is hungry or thirsty, toss out someone who is in need of my help.” In his book, “American Religion”, Chaves reports that the number of people with a great deal of confidence in religious leaders has declined to under 25 percent. My hope is that more religious leaders in the country as well as globally will begin to speak out more against Trump’s orders because it could unite Catholic conservatives with Catholic liberals. It could give religious leaders more influence in a positive way to create social change.